Wednesday, February 4, 2009

possible new title

so i thought of a possibly more awesome name for the blog at the zoo yesterday. the thin white douc. thoughts? comments? and if anyone figures out the 3 references in the name they get bonus points.


  1. so i thought i'd check out this blog everyone's been talking's now on my fave pages at work :)

    thin white duke = bowie, one of the best artists of all time

    douc - v. cute monkey

    struggling with the 3rd, would it be...
    something about you being a thin white monkey man?

    big hugs

  2. Bek thought you were talking about the bit of skin between you butt and balls... being thin and white... like you... :D

  3. but that was Bek not Bec... you know the difference i claim no responislbilty for what i typed on behalf of the dyslexic monkey

  4. Thin White Duke, as well as being Bowie, is also a production name for one Stuart Price, the same dude who produced one of Madonna's recent albums. Is that the other one?

  5. first post won. although Bek's answer may have been the super special 4th reference i didnt think of at the time
